Module Documentation

This page contains the full API docs of ColiCoords


class colicoords.cell.Cell(data_object, name=None, init_coords=True, **kwargs)[source]

ColiCoords’ main single-cell object.

This class organizes all single-cell associated data together with an internal coordinate system.

data_object : Data

Holds all data describing this single cell.

coords : Coordinates

Calculates transformations from/to cartesian and cellular coordinates.

name : str

Name identifying the cell (optional).


Additional kwargs passed to Coordinates.

data : Data

Holds all data describing this single cell.

coords : Coordinates

Calculates and optimizes the cell’s coordinate system.

name : str

Name identifying the cell (optional).


copy() Make a copy of the cell object and all its associated data elements.
get_intensity([mask, data_name, func]) Returns the mean fluorescence intensity.
l_classify([data_name]) Classifies foci in STORM-type data by they x-position along the long axis.
l_dist(nbins[, start, stop, data_name, …]) Calculates the longitudinal distribution of signal for a given data element.
measure_r([data_name, mode, in_place]) Measure the radius of the cell.
optimize([data_name, cell_function, minimizer]) Optimize the cell’s coordinate system.
phi_dist(step[, data_name, r_max, r_min, …]) Calculates the angular distribution of signal for a given data element.
r_dist(stop, step[, data_name, norm_x, …]) Calculates the radial distribution of a given data element.
reconstruct_image(data_name[, norm_x, r_scale]) Reconstruct the image from a given data element and the cell’s current coordinate system.

float: Area (2d) of the cell in square pixels.


float: Circumference of the cell in pixels.


Make a copy of the cell object and all its associated data elements.

This is a deep copy meaning that all numpy data arrays are copied in memory and therefore modifying the copied cell object does not modify the original cell object.

cell : Cell

Copied cell object.

get_intensity(mask='binary', data_name='', func=<function mean>)[source]

Returns the mean fluorescence intensity.

Mean fluorescence intensity either in the region masked by the binary image or reconstructed binary image derived from the cell’s coordinate system.

mask : str

Either ‘binary’ or ‘coords’ to specify the source of the mask used. ‘binary’ uses the binary image as mask, ‘coords’ uses reconstructed binary from coordinate system.

data_name : str:

The name of the image data element to get the intensity values from.

func : callable

This function is applied to the data elements pixels selected by the masking operation. The default is np.mean().

value : float

Mean fluorescence pixel value.


Classifies foci in STORM-type data by they x-position along the long axis.

The spots are classified into 3 categories: ‘poles’, ‘between’ and ‘mid’. The pole category are spots who are to the left and right of xl and xr, respectively. The class ‘mid’ is a section in the middle of the cell with a total length of half the cell’s length, the class ‘between’ is the remaining two quarters between ‘mid’ and ‘poles’.

data_name : str

Name of the STORM-type data element to classify. When its not specified the first STORM data element is used.

l_classes : tuple

Tuple with number of spots in poles, between and mid classes, respectively.

l_dist(nbins, start=None, stop=None, data_name='', norm_x=False, l_mean=None, r_max=None, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', sigma=0.5)[source]

Calculates the longitudinal distribution of signal for a given data element.

nbins : int

Number of bins between start and stop.

start : float

Distance from xl as starting point for the distribution, units are either pixels or normalized units if norm_x=True.

stop : float

Distance from xr as end point for the distribution, units are are either pixels or normalized units if norm_x=True.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

norm_x : bool

If True the output distribution will be normalized.

l_mean : float, optional

When norm_x is True, all length coordinates are divided by the length of the cell to normalize it. If l_mean is given, the length coordinates at the poles are divided by l_mean instead to allow equal scaling of all pole regions.

r_max : float, optional

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline will be included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints.

xvals : ndarray

Array of distances along the cell midline, values are the middle of the bins/kernel.

yvals : ndarray

Array of bin heights.


float: Length of the cell in pixels.

measure_r(data_name='brightfield', mode='max', in_place=True, **kwargs)[source]

Measure the radius of the cell.

The radius is found by the intensity-mid/min/max-point of the radial distribution derived from brightfield (default) or another data element.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

mode : str

Mode to find the radius. Can be either ‘min’, ‘mid’ or ‘max’ to use the minimum, middle or maximum value of the radial distribution, respectively.

in_place : bool

If True the found value of r is directly substituted in the cell’s coordinate system, otherwise the value is returned.

radius : float

The measured radius r if in_place is False, otherwise None.

optimize(data_name='binary', cell_function=None, minimizer=<class 'symfit.core.minimizers.Powell'>, **kwargs)[source]

Optimize the cell’s coordinate system.

The optimization is performed on the data element given by data_name using the function cell_function. A default function depending on the data class is used of objective is omitted.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the data element to perform optimization on.


Optional subclass of CellMinimizeFunctionBase to use as objective function.

minimizer : Subclass of symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer or Sequence

Minimizer to use for the optimization. Default is the Powell minimizer.

**kwargs :

Additional kwargs are passed to execute().

result : FitResults

symfit fit results object.

phi_dist(step, data_name='', r_max=None, r_min=0, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', sigma=5)[source]

Calculates the angular distribution of signal for a given data element.

step : float

Step size between datapoints.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max : float, optional

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline will be included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

r_min : float, optional

Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline will be included.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints.

xvals : ndarray

Array of angles along the cell pole, values are the middle of the bins/kernel.

yvals_l : ndarray

Array of bin heights for the left pole.

yvals_r : ndarray

Array of bin heights for the right pole.

r_dist(stop, step, data_name='', norm_x=False, limit_l=None, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', sigma=0.3)[source]

Calculates the radial distribution of a given data element.

stop : float

Until how far from the cell spine the radial distribution should be calculated.

step : float

The binsize of the returned radial distribution.

data_name : str

The name of the data element on which to calculate the radial distribution.

norm_x : bool

If True the returned distribution will be normalized with the cell’s radius set to 1.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell.

storm_weight : bool

Only applicable for analyzing STORM-type data elements. If True the returned histogram is weighted with the values in the ‘Intensity’ field.

method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints.

xvals : ndarray

Array of distances from the cell midline, values are the middle of the bins.

yvals : ndarray

Array of in bin heights.


float: Radius of the cell in pixels.

reconstruct_image(data_name, norm_x=False, r_scale=1, **kwargs)[source]

Reconstruct the image from a given data element and the cell’s current coordinate system.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

norm_x : bool

Boolean indicating whether or not to normalize to r=1.

r_scale : float

Stretch or compress the image in the radial direction by this factor. Values > 1 will compress the image.


Optional keyword arguments are ‘stop’ and ‘step’ which are passed to r_dist.

img : ndarray

Image of the reconstructed cell.


float: Total surface area (3d) of the cell in square pixels.


float: Volume of the cell in cubic pixels.

class colicoords.cell.CellList(cell_list)[source]

List equivalent of the Cell object.

This Object holding a list of cell objects exposing several methods to either apply functions to all cells or to extract values from all cell objects. It supports iteration over Cell objects and Numpy-style array indexing.

cell_list : list or numpy.ndarray

List of array of Cell objects.

cell_list : ndarray

Numpy array of Cell objects

data : CellListData

Object with common attributes for all cells


append(cell_obj) Append Cell object cell_obj to the list of cells.
copy() Make a copy of the CellList object and all its associated data elements.
execute(worker) Apply worker function worker to all cell objects and returns the results.
execute_mp(worker[, processes]) Apply worker function worker to all cell objects and returns the results.
get_intensity([mask, data_name, func]) Returns the fluorescence intensity for each cell.
l_classify([data_name]) Classifies foci in STORM-type data by they x-position along the long axis.
l_dist(nbins[, start, stop, data_name, …]) Calculates the longitudinal distribution of signal for a given data element for all cells.
measure_r([data_name, mode, in_place]) Measure the radius of the cells.
optimize([data_name, cell_function, minimizer]) Optimize the cell’s coordinate system.
optimize_mp([data_name, cell_function, …]) Optimize all cell’s coordinate systems using optimize through parallel computing.
phi_dist(step[, data_name, storm_weight, …]) Calculates the angular distribution of signal for a given data element for all cells.
r_dist(stop, step[, data_name, norm_x, …]) Calculates the radial distribution for all cells of a given data element.

Append Cell object cell_obj to the list of cells.

cell_obj : Cell

Cell object to append to current cell list.


ndarray: Array of cell’s area in square pixels


ndarray: Array of cell’s circumference in pixels


Make a copy of the CellList object and all its associated data elements.

This is a deep copy meaning that all numpy data arrays are copied in memory and therefore modifying the copied cell objects does not modify the original cell objects.

cell_list : CellList

Copied CellList object


Apply worker function worker to all cell objects and returns the results.

worker : callable

Worker function to be executed on all cell objects.

res : list

List of resuls returned from worker

execute_mp(worker, processes=None)[source]

Apply worker function worker to all cell objects and returns the results.

worker : callable

Worker function to be executed on all cell objects.

processes : int

Number of parallel processes to spawn. Default is the number of logical processors on the host machine.

res : list

List of results returned from worker.

get_intensity(mask='binary', data_name='', func=<function mean>)[source]

Returns the fluorescence intensity for each cell.

Mean fluorescence intensity either in the region masked by the binary image or reconstructed binary image derived from the cell’s coordinate system. The default return value is the mean fluorescence intensity. Integrated intensity can be calculated by using func=np.sum.

mask : str

Either ‘binary’ or ‘coords’ to specify the source of the mask used. ‘binary’ uses the binary image as mask, ‘coords’ uses reconstructed binary from coordinate system

data_name : str

The name of the image data element to get the intensity values from.

func : callable

This function is applied to the data elements pixels selected by the masking operation. The default is np.mean().

value : float

Mean fluorescence pixel value.


Classifies foci in STORM-type data by they x-position along the long axis.

The spots are classified into 3 categories: ‘poles’, ‘between’ and ‘mid’. The pole category are spots who are to the left and right of xl and xr, respectively. The class ‘mid’ is a section in the middle of the cell with a total length of half the cell’s length, the class ‘between’ is the remaining two quarters between ‘mid’ and ‘poles’

data_name : str

Name of the STORM-type data element to classify. When its not specified the first STORM data element is used.

array : ndarray

Array of tuples with number of spots in poles, between and mid classes, respectively.

l_dist(nbins, start=None, stop=None, data_name='', norm_x=True, method='gauss', r_max=None, storm_weight=False, sigma=None)[source]

Calculates the longitudinal distribution of signal for a given data element for all cells.

Normalization by cell length is enabled by default to remove cell-to-cell variations in length.

nbins : int

Number of bins between start and stop.

start : float

Distance from xl as starting point for the distribution, units are either pixels or normalized units if norm_x=True.

stop : float

Distance from xr as end point for the distribution, units are are either pixels or normalized units if norm_x=True.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

norm_x : bool

If True the output distribution will be normalized.

r_max : float, optional

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline will be included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float or array_like

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints. To use a different sigma for each cell sigma can be given as a list or array.

xvals : ndarray

Array of distances along the cell midline, values are the middle of the bins/kernel

yvals : ndarray

2D array where every row is the bin heights per cell.


ndarray Array of cell’s lengths in pixels

measure_r(data_name='brightfield', mode='max', in_place=True, **kwargs)[source]

Measure the radius of the cells.

The radius is found by the intensity-mid/min/max-point of the radial distribution derived from brightfield (default) or another data element.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

mode : str

Mode to find the radius. Can be either ‘min’, ‘mid’ or ‘max’ to use the minimum, middle or maximum value of the radial distribution, respectively.

in_place : bool

If True the found value of r is directly substituted in the cell’s coordinate system, otherwise the value is returned.

radius : np.ndarray

The measured radius r values if in_place is False, otherwise None.


ndarray: Array of cell’s names

optimize(data_name='binary', cell_function=None, minimizer=<class 'symfit.core.minimizers.Powell'>, **kwargs)[source]

Optimize the cell’s coordinate system.

The optimization is performed on the data element given by data_name using objective function objective. A default depending on the data class is used of objective is omitted.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the data element to perform optimization on.


Optional subclass of CellMinimizeFunctionBase to use as objective function.

minimizer : Subclass of symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer or Sequence

Minimizer to use for the optimization. Default is the Powell minimizer.

**kwargs :

Additional kwargs are passed to execute().

res_list : list of FitResults

List of symfit FitResults object.

optimize_mp(data_name='binary', cell_function=None, minimizer=<class 'symfit.core.minimizers.Powell'>, processes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Optimize all cell’s coordinate systems using optimize through parallel computing.

A call to this method must be protected by if __name__ == ‘__main__’ if its not executed in jupyter notebooks.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the data element to perform optimization on.


Optional subclass of CellMinimizeFunctionBase to use as objective function.

minimizer : Subclass of symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer or Sequence

Minimizer to use for the optimization. Default is the Powell minimizer.

processes : int

Number of parallel processes to spawn. Default is the number of logical processors on the host machine.

**kwargs :

Additional kwargs are passed to execute().

res_list : list of FitResults

List of symfit FitResults object.

phi_dist(step, data_name='', storm_weight=False, method='gauss', sigma=5, r_max=None, r_min=0)[source]

Calculates the angular distribution of signal for a given data element for all cells.

step : float

Step size between datapoints.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max : float, optional

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline will be included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

r_min : float, optional

Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline will be included.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints.

xvals : ndarray

Array of distances along the cell midline, values are the middle of the bins/kernel.

yvals_l : ndarray

Array of bin heights for the left pole.

yvals_r : ndarray

Array of bin heights for the right pole.

r_dist(stop, step, data_name='', norm_x=False, limit_l=None, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', sigma=0.3)[source]

Calculates the radial distribution for all cells of a given data element.

stop : float

Until how far from the cell spine the radial distribution should be calculated

step : float

The binsize of the returned radial distribution

data_name : str

The name of the data element on which to calculate the radial distribution

norm_x : bool

If True the returned distribution will be normalized with the cell’s radius set to 1.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell.

storm_weight : bool

Only applicable for analyzing STORM-type data elements. If True the returned histogram is weighted with the values in the ‘Intensity’ field.

method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

sigma : float

Applies only when method is set to ‘gauss’. sigma gives the width of the gaussian used for convoluting datapoints

xvals : ndarray

Array of distances from the cell midline, values are the middle of the bins

yvals : ndarray

2D Array where each row is the bin heights for each cell.


ndarray Array of cell’s radii in pixels


ndarray: Array of cell’s surface area (3d) in square pixels


ndarray: Array of cell’s volume in cubic pixels

class colicoords.cell.Coordinates(data, initialize=True, **kwargs)[source]

Cell’s coordinate system described by the polynomial p(x) and associated functions.

data : Data

The data object defining the shape.

initialize : bool, optional

If False the coordinate system parameters are not initialized with initial guesses.


Can be used to manually supply parameter values if initialize is False.

xl : float

Left cell pole x-coordinate.

xr : float

Right cell pole x-coordinate.

r : float

Cell radius.

coeff : ndarray

Coefficients [a0, a1, a2] of the polynomial a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 which describes the cell’s shape.


calc_lc(xp, yp) Calculates distance of xc along the midline the cell corresponding to the points (xp, yp).
calc_perimeter(xp, yp) Calculates how far along the perimeter of the cell the points (xp, yp) lay.
calc_phi(xp, yp) Calculates the angle between the line perpendical to the cell midline and the line between (xp, yp) and (xc, p(xc)).
calc_rc(xp, yp) Calculates the distance of (xp, yp) to (xc, p(xc)).
calc_xc(xp, yp) Calculates the coordinate xc on p(x) closest to xp, yp.
calc_xc_mask(xp, yp) Calculated whether point (xp, yp) is in either the left or right polar areas, or in between.
calc_xc_masked(xp, yp) Calculates the coordinate xc on p(x) closest to (xp, yp), where xl < xc < xr.
full_transform(xp, yp) Transforms image coordinates (xp, yp) to cell coordinates (xc, lc, rc, psi).
get_core_points([xl, xr]) Returns the coordinates of the roughly estimated ‘core’ points of the cell.
get_idx_xc(xp, yp) Finds the indices of the arrays xp an yp where they either belong to the left or right polar regions, as well as coordinates xc.
p(x_arr) Calculate p(x).
p_dx(x_arr) Calculate the derivative p’(x) evaluated at x.
q(x, xp) array_like: Returns q(x) where q(x) is the line perpendicular to p(x) at xp
rev_calc_perimeter(par_values) For a given distance along the perimeter calculate the xp, yp cartesian coordinates.
rev_transform(lc, rc, phi[, l_norm]) Reverse transform from cellular coordinates lc, rc, phi to cartesian coordinates xp, yp.
sub_par(par_dict) Substitute the values in par_dict as the coordinate systems parameters.
transform(xp, yp) Transforms image coordinates (xp, yp) to cell coordinates (lc, rc, psi)

float: Polynomial p(x) 0th degree coefficient.


float: Polynomial p(x) 1st degree coefficient.


float: Polynomial p(x) 2nd degree coefficient.

calc_lc(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates distance of xc along the midline the cell corresponding to the points (xp, yp).

The returned value is the distance from the points (xp, yp) to the midline of the cell.

xp : float: or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

lc : float or ndarray

Distance along the midline of the cell.

calc_perimeter(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates how far along the perimeter of the cell the points (xp, yp) lay.

The perimeter of the cell is the current outline as described by the current coordinate system. The zero-point is the top-left point where the top membrane section starts (lc=0, phi=0) and increases along the perimeter clockwise.

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

per : float or ndarray

Length along the cell perimeter.

calc_phi(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates the angle between the line perpendical to the cell midline and the line between (xp, yp) and (xc, p(xc)).

The returned values are in degrees. The angle is defined to be 0 degrees for values in the upper half of the image (yp < p(xp)), running from 180 to zero along the right polar region, 180 degrees in the lower half and running back to 0 degrees along the left polar region.

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

phi : float or ndarray

Angle phi for (xp, yp).

calc_rc(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates the distance of (xp, yp) to (xc, p(xc)).

The returned value is the distance from the points (xp, yp) to the midline of the cell.

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

rc : float or ndarray

Distance to the midline of the cell.

calc_xc(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates the coordinate xc on p(x) closest to xp, yp.

All coordinates are cartesian. Solutions are found by solving the cubic equation.

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

xc : float or ndarray

Cellular x-coordinate for point(s) xp, yp

calc_xc_mask(xp, yp)[source]

Calculated whether point (xp, yp) is in either the left or right polar areas, or in between.

Returned values are 1 for left pole, 2 for middle, 3 for right pole.

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

xc_mask : float: or ndarray:

Array to mask different cellular regions.

calc_xc_masked(xp, yp)[source]

Calculates the coordinate xc on p(x) closest to (xp, yp), where xl < xc < xr.

xp : float: or ndarray:

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float: or ndarray:

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

xc_mask : float or ndarray

Cellular x-coordinate for point(s) xp, yp, where xl < xc < xr.

full_transform(xp, yp)[source]

Transforms image coordinates (xp, yp) to cell coordinates (xc, lc, rc, psi).

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp.

coordinates : tuple

Tuple of cellular coordinates xc, lc, rc, psi.

get_core_points(xl=None, xr=None)[source]

Returns the coordinates of the roughly estimated ‘core’ points of the cell.

Used for determining the initial guesses for the coefficients of p(x).

xl : float, optional

Starting point x of where to get the ‘core’ points.

xr : float, optional

End point x of where to get the ‘core’ points.

xvals : np.ndarray

Array of x coordinates of ‘core’ points.

yvals : np.ndarray

Array of y coordinates of ‘core’ points.

get_idx_xc(xp, yp)[source]

Finds the indices of the arrays xp an yp where they either belong to the left or right polar regions, as well as coordinates xc.

xp : ndarray

Input x-coordinates. Must be the same shape as yp.

yp : ndarray

Input y-coordinates. Must be the same shape as xp.

idx_left : ndarray

Index array of elements in the area of the cell’s left pole.

idx_right : ndarray

Index array of elements in the area of cell’s right pole.

xc : ndarray

Cellular coordinates xc corresponding to xp, yp, extending into the polar regions.


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell with distance l along the cell mideline.


float: Length of the cell in pixels.


Calculate p(x).

The function p(x) describes the midline of the cell.

x_arr : ndarray

Input x values.

p : ndarray

Evaluated polynomial p(x)


Calculate the derivative p’(x) evaluated at x.

x_arr :class:`~numpy.ndarray`:

Input x values.

p_dx : ndarray

Evaluated function p’(x).


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell with angle psi relative to the cell midline.

q(x, xp)[source]

array_like: Returns q(x) where q(x) is the line perpendicular to p(x) at xp


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell with distance r to the cell midline.


For a given distance along the perimeter calculate the xp, yp cartesian coordinates.

par_values : float or ndarray

Input parameter values. Must be between 0 and :attr:~colicoords.Cell.circumference

xp : float or ndarray

Cartesian x-coordinate corresponding to lc, rc, phi

yp : float or ndarray

Cartesian y-coordinate corresponding to lc, rc, phi

rev_transform(lc, rc, phi, l_norm=True)[source]

Reverse transform from cellular coordinates lc, rc, phi to cartesian coordinates xp, yp.

lc : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix l-coordinate.

rc : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix l-coordinate.

phi : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix l-coordinate.

l_norm : bool, optional

If True (default), the lc coordinate has to be input as normalized.

xp : float or ndarray

Cartesian x-coordinate corresponding to lc, rc, phi

yp : float or ndarray

Cartesian y-coordinate corresponding to lc, rc, phi


Substitute the values in par_dict as the coordinate systems parameters.

par_dict : dict

Dictionary with parameters which values are set to the attributes.

transform(xp, yp)[source]

Transforms image coordinates (xp, yp) to cell coordinates (lc, rc, psi)

xp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as yp

yp : float or ndarray

Input scalar or vector/matrix x-coordinate. Must be the same shape as xp

coordinates : tuple

Tuple of cellular coordinates lc, rc, psi


ndarray`: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image with cartesian x-coordinates.


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image with x coordinates on p(x)


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image where elements have values 1, 2, 3 for left pole, middle and right pole, respectively.


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image with x coordinates on p(x) where xl < xc < xr.


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image with cartesian y-coordinates.


ndarray: Matrix of shape m x n equal to cell image with y coordinates on p(x)

colicoords.cell.calc_lc(xl, xr, coeff)[source]

Calculate lc.

The returned length is the arc length from xl to xr integrated along the polynomial p(x) described by coeff.

xl : array_like

Left bound to calculate arc length from. Shape must be compatible with xl.

xr : array_like

Right bound to calculate arc length to. Shape must be compatible with xr.

coeff : array_like or tuple

Array or tuple with coordinate polynomial coefficients a0, a1, a2.

l : array_like

Calculated length lc.

colicoords.cell.optimize_worker(cell, **kwargs)[source]

Worker object for optimize multiprocessing.

cell : Cell

Cell object to optimize.


Additional keyword arguments passed to optimize()

result : FitResults
colicoords.cell.solve_general(a, b, c, d)[source]

Solve cubic polynomial in the form a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d.

Only works if polynomial discriminant < 0, then there is only one real root which is the one that is returned. [1]

a : array_like

Third order polynomial coefficient.

b : array_like

Second order polynomial coefficient.

c : array_like

First order polynomial coefficient.

d : array_like

Zeroth order polynomial coefficient.

array : array_like

Real root solution.

[1] ..

colicoords.cell.solve_length(xr, xl, coeff, length)[source]

Used to find xc in reverse coordinate transformation.

Function used to find cellular x coordinate xr where the arc length from xl to xr is equal to length given a coordinate system with coeff as coefficients.

xr : float

Right boundary x coordinate of calculated arc length.

xl : float

Left boundary x coordinate of calculated arc length.

coeff : list or ndarray

Coefficients a0, a1, a2 describing the coordinate system.

length : float

Target length.

diff : float

Difference between calculated length and specified length.

colicoords.cell.solve_trig(a, b, c, d)[source]

Solve cubic polynomial in the form a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d Only for polynomial discriminant > 0, the polynomial has three real roots [1]

a : array_like

Third order polynomial coefficient.

b : array_like

Second order polynomial coefficient.

c : array_like

First order polynomial coefficient.

d : array_like

Zeroth order polynomial coefficient.

array : array_like

First real root solution.

[1] ..


class colicoords.data_models.BinaryImage[source]

Binary image data class.

name : str

Name identifying the data element.

metadata : dict

Optional dict for metadata, load/save not implemented.


float: The main image axis orientation in degrees

class colicoords.data_models.BrightFieldImage[source]

Brightfield image data class.

name : str

Name identifying the data element.

metadata : dict

Optional dict for metadata, load/save not implemented.


float: The main image axis orientation in degrees

class colicoords.data_models.CellListData(cell_list)[source]

Data class for CellList with common attributes for all cells. Individual data elements are accessed per cell.

cell_list : list or numpy.ndarray

List of array of Cell objects.


list: List of all data classes in the Data objects of the cells, if all are equal, else None.


list: List of all data names in the Data objects of the cells, if all are equal, else None.


tuple: Tuple of cell’s data element’s shape if they are all equal, else None


list: List of all data classes in the Data objects of the cells, if all are equal, else None.


list: List of all data names in the Data objects of the cells, if all are equal, else None.


tuple: Tuple of cell’s data element’s shape if they are all equal, else None

class colicoords.data_models.Data[source]

Main data class holding data from different input channels.

The data class is designed to combine and organize all different channels (brightfield, binary, fluorescence, storm) into one object. The class provides basic functionality such as rotation and slicing.

Data elements can be accessed from data_dict or by attribute ‘<class>_<name>’, where class can be either ‘flu’, ‘storm’. Binary and brightfield can bre accessed as properties.

data_dict : dict

Dictionary with all data elements by their name.

flu_dict : dict

Subset of data_dict with all Fluorescence data elements.

storm_dict : dict

Subset of data_dict with all STORM data elements.


add_data(data, dclass[, name, metadata]) Add data to form a new data element.
copy() Copy the data object.
prune(data_name) Removes localizations from the STORM-dataset with name data_name which lie outside of the associated image.
rotate(theta) Rotate all data elements and return a new Data object with rotated data elements.
add_data(data, dclass, name=None, metadata=None)[source]

Add data to form a new data element.

data : array_like

Input data. Either np.ndarray with ndim 2 or 3 (images / movies) or numpy structured array for STORM data.

dclass : str

Data class. Must be either ‘binary’, ‘brightfield’, ‘fluorescence’ or ‘storm’.

name : str, optional

The name to identify the data element. Default is equal to the data class.

metadata : dict

Associated metadata (load/save metadata currently not supported)


ndarray: Returns the brightfield image if present, else None


ndarray: Returns the binary image if present, else None


Copy the data object.

data : Data

Copied data object.


list: List of all data classes in the Data object.


list: List of all data names in the Data object.


Removes localizations from the STORM-dataset with name data_name which lie outside of the associated image.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to prune.


Rotate all data elements and return a new Data object with rotated data elements.

theta : float

Rotation angle in degrees.

data : colicoords.data_models.Data

Rotated Data

class colicoords.data_models.FluorescenceImage[source]

Fluorescence image data class.

name : str

Name identifying the data element.

metadata : dict

Optional dict for metadata, load/save not implemented.


float: The main image axis orientation in degrees

class colicoords.data_models.MetaData() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)[source]
class colicoords.data_models.STORMTable[source]

STORM table data class.

name : str

Name identifying the data element.

metadata : dict

Optional dict for metadata, load/save not implemented.


class colicoords.plot.CellListPlot(cell_list)[source]

Object for plotting single-cell derived data

cell_list : CellList

CellList object with Cell objects to plot.


figure() Calls matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
hist_intensity([mask, data_name, ax]) Histogram all cell’s mean fluorescence intensity.
hist_l_storm([data_name, ax]) Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations.
hist_phi_storm([ax, data_name]) Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles.
hist_property([prop, ax]) Plot a histogram of a given geometrical property.
hist_r_storm([data_name, ax, norm_x, limit_l]) Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations.
plot_kymograph([mode, data_name, ax, …]) Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element.
plot_l_class([data_name, ax, yerr]) Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position.
plot_l_dist([ax, data_name, r_max, norm_y, …]) Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element.
plot_phi_dist([ax, data_name, r_max, r_min, …]) Plots the angular distribution of a given data element for all cells.
plot_r_dist([ax, data_name, norm_x, norm_y, …]) Plots the radial distribution of a given data element.
savefig(*args, **kwargs) Calls matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
show() Calls
static figure()[source]

Calls matplotlib.pyplot.figure()

hist_intensity(mask='binary', data_name='', ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Histogram all cell’s mean fluorescence intensity. Intensities values are calculated by calling Cell.get_intensity()

mask : str

Either ‘binary’ or ‘coords’ to specify the source of the mask used ‘binary’ uses the binary images as mask, ‘coords’ uses reconstructed binary from coordinate system.

data_name : str

The name of the image data element to get the intensity values from.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optinal

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist().

tuple : tuple

Return value is a tuple with n, bins, patches as returned by hist().

hist_l_storm(data_name='', ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations.

All cells are normalized by rescaling the longitudinal coordinates by the lenght of the cells. Polar regions are normalized by rescaling with the mean of the length of all cells to ensure uniform scaling of polar regions.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist()

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

hist_phi_storm(ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist().

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

hist_property(prop='length', ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a histogram of a given geometrical property.

prop : str

Property to histogram. This can be one of ‘length’, radius, ‘circumference’, ‘area’, ‘surface’ or ‘volume’.

ax : Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist().

tuple : tuple

Return value is a tuple with n, bins, patches as returned by hist().

hist_r_storm(data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, limit_l=None, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

norm_x : bool

If True all radial distances are normalized by dividing by the radius of the individual cells.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist()

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

plot_kymograph(mode='r', data_name='', ax=None, time_factor=1, time_unit='frames', dist_kwargs=None, norm_y=True, aspect=1, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element.

Each cell in the the CellList represents one point in time, where the first time point is the first cell in the list.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

mode : str

Axis of distribution to plot. Options are ‘r’, ‘l’ or ‘a’. Currently only ‘r’ is implemented.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to plot. Must be a 3D array

time_factor : float

Time factor per frame.

time_unit : str

Time unit.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs passed to the function getting the distribution.

norm_y : bool

If True the output kymograph is normalized frame-wise.

aspect : float

Aspect ratio of output kymograph image.


Additional keyword arguments passed to ax.imshow()

image : matplotlib.image.AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object

plot_l_class(data_name='', ax=None, yerr='std', **kwargs)[source]

Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to plot. Must have the data class ‘storm’.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

yerr : str

How to calculated error bars. Can be ‘std’ or ‘sem’ for standard deviation or standard error of the mean, respectively.


Optional kwargs passed to

container : BarContainer

Container with all the bars.

plot_l_dist(ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, band_func=<function std>, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element.

The data is normalized along the long axis to allow the combining of multiple cells with different lengths.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max : float

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

norm_y : bool

If True the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity).

zero : bool

If True the output data will be zeroed.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

band_func : callable

Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation.

method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs to be passed to l_dist()


Optional kwargs passed to ax.plot()

line Line2D

Matplotlib line artist object

plot_phi_dist(ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, r_min=0, storm_weight=False, band_func=<function std>, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the angular distribution of a given data element for all cells.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max: : float

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

r_min: : float

Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline are included.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

band_func : callable

Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation.

method : str:

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs to be passed to phi_dist()

lines : tuple

Tuple with Matplotlib line artist objects.

plot_r_dist(ax=None, data_name='', norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, limit_l=None, method='gauss', band_func=<function std>, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the radial distribution of a given data element.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

norm_x: : bool

If True the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis.

norm_y: : bool

If True the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity).

zero : bool

If True the output data will be zeroed.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are taking into account. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value which will limit the data points with around the midline where xmid - xlim < x < xmid + xlim.method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’

method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

band_func : callable

Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation.


Optional kwargs passed to ax.plot().


Matplotlib line artist object

static savefig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(*args, **kwargs)

static show()[source]


class colicoords.plot.CellPlot(cell_obj)[source]

Object for plotting single-cell derived data.

cell_obj : Cell

Single-cell object to plot.

cell_obj : Cell

Single-cell object to plot.


figure(*args, **kwargs) Calls matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
hist_l_storm([data_name, ax, norm_x]) Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations.
hist_phi_storm([ax, data_name]) Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles.
hist_r_storm([data_name, ax, norm_x, limit_l]) Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations.
imshow(img[, ax]) Call to matplotlib’s imshow.
plot_bin_fit_comparison([ax]) Plot the cell’s binary image together with the calculated binary image from the coordinate system.
plot_binary_img([ax]) Plot the cell’s binary image.
plot_kymograph([ax, mode, data_name, …]) Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element.
plot_l_class([ax, data_name]) Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position.
plot_l_dist([ax, data_name, r_max, norm_x, …]) Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element.
plot_midline([ax]) Plot the cell’s coordinate system midline.
plot_outline([ax]) Plot the outline of the cell based on the current coordinate system.
plot_phi_dist([ax, data_name, r_max, r_min, …]) Plots the angular distribution of a given data element.
plot_r_dist([ax, data_name, norm_x, norm_y, …]) Plots the radial distribution of a given data element.
plot_simulated_binary([ax]) Plot the cell’s binary image calculated from the coordinate system.
plot_storm([ax, data_name, method, upscale, …]) Graphically represent STORM data.
savefig(*args, **kwargs) Calls matplotlib.pyplot.savefig()
show(*args, **kwargs) Calls
static figure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls matplotlib.pyplot.figure()

hist_l_storm(data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

norm_x : bool

Normalizes the longitudinal distribution by dividing by the length of the cell.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist()

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

hist_phi_storm(ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist()

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

hist_r_storm(data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, limit_l=None, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations.

data_name : str, optional

Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

norm_x : bool

If True all radial distances are normalized by dividing by the radius of the individual cells.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are taking into account. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value which will limit the data points with around the midline where xmid - xlim < x < xmid + xlim.method : str, either ‘gauss’ or ‘box’


Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist()

n : ndarray

The values of the histogram bins as produced by hist()

bins : ndarray

The edges of the bins.

patches : list

Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram.

imshow(img, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Call to matplotlib’s imshow.

Default extent keyword arguments is provided to assure proper overlay of pixel and carthesian coordinates.

img : str or ndarray

Image to show. It can be either a data name of the image-type data element to plot or a 2D numpy ndarray.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow().

image : matplotlib.image.AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object.

plot_bin_fit_comparison(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the cell’s binary image together with the calculated binary image from the coordinate system.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot().

image : AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object.

plot_binary_img(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the cell’s binary image.

Equivalent to CellPlot.imshow('binary').

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting


Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow().

image : AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object

plot_kymograph(ax=None, mode='r', data_name='', time_factor=1, time_unit='frames', dist_kwargs=None, norm_y=True, aspect=1, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element.

The data element must be a 3D array (t, y, x) where the first axis is the time dimension.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

mode : str

Axis of distribution to plot. Options are ‘r’, ‘l’ or ‘a’. Currently only ‘r’ is implemented.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to plot. Must be a 3D array

time_factor : float

Time factor per frame.

time_unit : str

Time unit.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs passed to the function getting the distribution.

norm_y : bool

If True the output kymograph is normalized frame-wise.

aspect : float

Aspect ratio of output kymograph image.


Additional keyword arguments passed to ax.imshow()

image : matplotlib.image.AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object

plot_l_class(ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs)[source]

Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to plot. Must have the data class ‘storm’.


Optional kwargs passed to

container : BarContainer

Container with all the bars.

plot_l_dist(ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max: : float

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

norm_x : bool

If True the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis.

norm_y: : bool

If True the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity).

zero : bool

If True the output data will be zeroed.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str:

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs to be passed to l_dist()

line : Line2D

Matplotlib line artist object.

plot_midline(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the cell’s coordinate system midline.

ax : Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot().

line : Line2D

Matplotlib line artist object

plot_outline(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the outline of the cell based on the current coordinate system.

The outline consists of two semicircles and two offset lines to the central parabola.[R114d31aa08a4-1]_[R114d31aa08a4-2]_

ax : Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot().

line : Line2D

Matplotlib line artist object.


T. W. Sederberg. “Computer Aided Geometric Design”. Computer Aided Geometric Design Course Notes. January 10, 2012


Rida T.Faroukia, Thomas W. Sederberg, Analysis of the offset to a parabola, Computer Aided Geometric Design vol 12, issue 6, 1995

plot_phi_dist(ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, r_min=0, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the angular distribution of a given data element.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

r_max: : float

Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If None the value from the cell’s coordinate system will be used.

r_min: : float

Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline are included.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

method : str:

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs to be passed to phi_dist()

lines : tuple

Tuple with Matplotlib line artist objects.

plot_r_dist(ax=None, data_name='', norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, limit_l=None, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the radial distribution of a given data element.

ax : Axes, optional

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to use.

norm_x : bool

If True the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis.

norm_y: : bool

If True the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity).

zero : bool

If True the output data will be zeroed.

storm_weight : bool

If True the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity.

limit_l : str

If None, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value full (omit poles only), ‘poles’ (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell.

method : str

Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve.

dist_kwargs : dict

Additional kwargs to be passed to colicoords.cell.Cell.r_dist()


Optional kwargs passed to ax.plot().

line : Line2D

Matplotlib line artist object

plot_simulated_binary(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the cell’s binary image calculated from the coordinate system.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional.

Matplotlib axes to use for plotting.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow().

image : AxesImage

Matplotlib image artist object

plot_storm(ax=None, data_name='', method='plot', upscale=5, alpha_cutoff=None, storm_weight=False, sigma=0.25, **kwargs)[source]

Graphically represent STORM data.

ax : Axes

Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting.

data_name : str

Name of the data element to plot. Must be of data class ‘storm’.

method : str

Method of visualization. Options are ‘plot’, ‘hist’, or ‘gauss’ just plotting points, histogram plot or gaussian kernel plot.

upscale : int

Upscale factor for the output image. Number of pixels is increased w.r.t. data.shape with a factor upscale**2

alpha_cutoff : float

Values (normalized) below alpha_cutoff are transparent, where the alpha is linearly scaled between 0 and alpha_cutoff

storm_weight : bool

If True the STORM data points are weighted by their intensity.

sigma : float or string or ndarray

Only applies for method ‘gauss’. The value is the sigma which describes the gaussian kernel. If sigma is a scalar, the same sigma value is used for all data points. If sigma is a string it is interpreted as the name of the field in the STORM array to use. Otherwise, sigma can be an array with equal length to the number of datapoints.


Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot() or ax.imshow().

artist : AxesImage or Line2D

Matplotlib artist object.

static savefig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls matplotlib.pyplot.savefig()

static show(*args, **kwargs)[source]



class colicoords.fitting.CellBinaryFunction(cell_obj, data_name)[source]

Binary data element objective function.

Calling this object with coordinate system parameters returns a binary image by thresholding the radial distance image with the radius of the cell.


__call__(**parameters) Call self as a function.
class colicoords.fitting.CellImageFunction(cell_obj, data_name)[source]

Image element objective function.

Calling this object with coordinate system parameters returns a reconstructed image of the target data element.


__call__(**parameters) Call self as a function.
class colicoords.fitting.CellMinimizeFunctionBase(cell_obj, data_name)[source]

Base class for Objective objects used by CellFit to optimize the coordinate system.

The base class takes a Cell object and the name of target data element to perform optimization on. Subclasses of CellMinimizeFunctionBase must implement the __call__ builtin, which takes the coordinate system’s parameters as keyword arguments.

Note that this is not an objective function to be minimized, but instead the return value is compared with the specified data element or specific target data to give the chi-squared.

cell_obj : Cell

Cell object to optimize.

data_name : str

Target data element name.

class colicoords.fitting.CellSTORMMembraneFunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]

STORM membrane objective function.

Calling this object with coordinate system parameters returns a reconstructed image of the target data element.


Dependent (target) data for coordinate optimization based on STORM membrane markers


__call__(**parameters) Call self as a function.

Dependent (target) data for coordinate optimization based on STORM membrane markers

class colicoords.fitting.DepCellFit(cell_obj, data_name='binary', objective=None, minimizer=<class 'symfit.core.minimizers.Powell'>, **kwargs)[source]


class colicoords.fitting.LinearModelFit(model, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Fitting of a model with linear parameters where the linear parameters are not fitted by symfit but instead solved as a system of linear equations.

model : :


execute(**kwargs) Execute the fit.

Execute the fit.

Parameters:minimize_options – keyword arguments to be passed to the specified minimizer.
Returns:FitResults instance
class colicoords.fitting.RadialData(cell_obj, length)[source]

Class mimicking a numpy ndarray used as dependent data for fitting STORM-membrane data.

The apparent value of this object is an array with length length and whoes values are all equal to the radius of cell_obj.

cell_obj : Cell

Cell object whos radius gives this array’s values.

length : int

Length of the array.

colicoords.fitting.solve_linear_system(y_list, data)[source]

Solve system of linear eqns a1*y1 + a2*y2 == data but then also vector edition of that



Load Cell or CellList from disk.

file_path : str

Source file path.

cell : Cell or CellList

Loaded Cell or CellList

colicoords.fileIO.load_thunderstorm(file_path, pixelsize=None)[source]

Load a .csv file from THUNDERSTORM output.

file_path : str

Target file path to THUNDERSTORM file.

pixelsize : float, optional

pixelsize in the THUNDERSTORM file to convert units to pixels. If not specified the default value in config is used., cell_obj)[source]

Save ColiCoords Cell objects to disk as hdf5-files.

file_path : str

Target file path.

cell_obj : Cell or :class:`~colicoords.cell.CellList

Cell or CellList object to save to disk.