Source code for colicoords.plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from import tqdm

from colicoords.cell import calc_lc, CellList, Cell
import colicoords.config as config

cmap_default = {'fluorescence': 'viridis', 'binary': 'gray_r', 'brightfield': 'gray'}

[docs]class CellPlot(object): """ Object for plotting single-cell derived data. Parameters ---------- cell_obj : :class:`~colicoords.cell.Cell` Single-cell object to plot. Attributes ---------- cell_obj : :class:`~colioords.cell.Cell` Single-cell object to plot. """ def __init__(self, cell_obj): if not isinstance(cell_obj, Cell): raise ValueError("'cell_obj' must be an instance of colicoords.cell.Cell") self.cell_obj = cell_obj
[docs] def plot_midline(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the cell's coordinate system midline. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot(). Returns ------- line : :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object """ x = np.linspace(self.cell_obj.coords.xl, self.cell_obj.coords.xr, 100) y = self.cell_obj.coords.p(x) if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'r' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax line, = ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ymax, xmax = ax.set_ylim(ymax, 0) ax.set_xlim(0, xmax) return line
[docs] def plot_binary_img(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the cell's binary image. Equivalent to ``CellPlot.imshow('binary')``. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow(). Returns ------- image : :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object """ if 'interpolation' not in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'nearest' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ymax, xmax = cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', cmap_default['binary']) image = ax.imshow(, extent=[0, xmax, ymax, 0], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return image
[docs] def plot_simulated_binary(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the cell's binary image calculated from the coordinate system. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional. Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow(). Returns ------- image : :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object """ if 'interpolation' not in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'nearest' img = self.cell_obj.coords.rc < self.cell_obj.coords.r ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ymax, xmax = cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', cmap_default['binary']) image = ax.imshow(img, extent=[0, xmax, ymax, 0], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return image
[docs] def plot_bin_fit_comparison(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the cell's binary image together with the calculated binary image from the coordinate system. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot(). Returns ------- image : :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object. """ if 'interpolation' not in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'nearest' img = self.cell_obj.coords.rc < self.cell_obj.coords.r ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ymax, xmax = image = ax.imshow(3 - (2 * img +, extent=[0, xmax, ymax, 0], **kwargs) return image
[docs] def plot_outline(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the outline of the cell based on the current coordinate system. The outline consists of two semicircles and two offset lines to the central parabola.[1]_[2]_ Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot(). Returns ------- line : :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object. .. [1] T. W. Sederberg. "Computer Aided Geometric Design". Computer Aided Geometric Design Course Notes. January 10, 2012 .. [2] Rida T.Faroukia, Thomas W. Sederberg, Analysis of the offset to a parabola, Computer Aided Geometric Design vol 12, issue 6, 1995 """ # Parametric plotting of offset line # # # Analysis of the offset to a parabola # numpoints = 500 t = np.linspace(self.cell_obj.coords.xl, self.cell_obj.coords.xr, num=numpoints) a0, a1, a2 = self.cell_obj.coords.coeff x_top = t + self.cell_obj.coords.r * ((a1 + 2 * a2 * t) / np.sqrt(1 + (a1 + 2 * a2 * t) ** 2)) y_top = a0 + a1*t + a2*(t**2) - self.cell_obj.coords.r * (1 / np.sqrt(1 + (a1 + 2*a2*t)**2)) x_bot = t + - self.cell_obj.coords.r * ((a1 + 2 * a2 * t) / np.sqrt(1 + (a1 + 2 * a2 * t) ** 2)) y_bot = a0 + a1*t + a2*(t**2) + self.cell_obj.coords.r * (1 / np.sqrt(1 + (a1 + 2*a2*t)**2)) #Left semicirlce psi = np.arctan(-self.cell_obj.coords.p_dx(self.cell_obj.coords.xl)) th_l = np.linspace(-0.5*np.pi+psi, 0.5*np.pi + psi, num=200) cl_dx = self.cell_obj.coords.r * np.cos(th_l) cl_dy = self.cell_obj.coords.r * np.sin(th_l) cl_x = self.cell_obj.coords.xl - cl_dx cl_y = self.cell_obj.coords.p(self.cell_obj.coords.xl) + cl_dy #Right semicircle psi = np.arctan(-self.cell_obj.coords.p_dx(self.cell_obj.coords.xr)) th_r = np.linspace(0.5*np.pi-psi, -0.5*np.pi-psi, num=200) cr_dx = self.cell_obj.coords.r * np.cos(th_r) cr_dy = self.cell_obj.coords.r * np.sin(th_r) cr_x = cr_dx + self.cell_obj.coords.xr cr_y = cr_dy + self.cell_obj.coords.p(self.cell_obj.coords.xr) x_all = np.concatenate((cl_x[::-1], x_top, cr_x[::-1], x_bot[::-1])) y_all = np.concatenate((cl_y[::-1], y_top, cr_y[::-1], y_bot[::-1])) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax color = 'r' if 'color' not in kwargs else kwargs.pop('color') line, = ax.plot(x_all, y_all, color=color, **kwargs) #todo check comma return line
[docs] def plot_r_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, limit_l=None, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the radial distribution of a given data element. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. norm_x : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis. norm_y: : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity). zero : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be zeroed. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If *True* the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. limit_l : :obj:`str` If `None`, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value `full` (omit poles only), 'poles' (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell. method : :obj:`str` Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs to be passed to :meth:`colicoords.cell.Cell.r_dist` **kwargs Optional kwargs passed to ``ax.plot()``. Returns ------- line : :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object """ # if norm_x: # stop = cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STOP # step = cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STEP # sigma = cfg.R_DIST_NORM_SIGMA # else: # stop = cfg.R_DIST_STOP # step = cfg.R_DIST_STEP # sigma = cfg.R_DIST_SIGMA # # # # stop = kwargs.pop('stop', stop) # step = kwargs.pop('step', step) # sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', sigma) # x, y = self.cell_obj.r_dist(stop, step, data_name=data_name, norm_x=norm_x, storm_weight=storm_weight, # limit_l=limit_l, method=method, sigma=sigma) dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} x, y = self.get_r_dist(norm_x=norm_x, data_name=data_name, limit_l=limit_l, method=method, storm_weight=storm_weight, **dist_kwargs) if not data_name: try: data_elem = list([0] # yuck, next(dict.values()) ?? except IndexError: try: data_elem = list([0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('No valid data element found') else: data_elem =[data_name] if zero: y -= y.min() if norm_y: y = y.astype(float) / y.max() x = x if norm_x else x * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = 'norm' if norm_x else '$\mu m$' yunits = 'norm' if norm_y else 'a.u.' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax line, = ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) if data_elem.dclass == 'storm': if storm_weight: ylabel = 'Total STORM intensity (photons)' else: ylabel = 'Number of localizations' else: ylabel = 'Intensity ({})'.format(yunits) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if norm_y: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) return line
def get_r_dist(self, norm_x=False, data_name='', limit_l=None, method='gauss', storm_weight=False, **kwargs): #todo copy of get_r_dist on CellListPlot, make baseclass? #used in kymograph plotting if norm_x: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_SIGMA else: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_SIGMA stop = kwargs.pop('stop', stop) step = kwargs.pop('step', step) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', sigma) x, y = self.cell_obj.r_dist(stop, step, data_name=data_name, norm_x=norm_x, storm_weight=storm_weight, limit_l=limit_l, method=method, sigma=sigma) return x, y
[docs] def plot_l_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. r_max: : :obj:`float` Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If *None* the value from the cell's coordinate system will be used. norm_x : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis. norm_y: : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity). zero : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be zeroed. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. method : :obj:`str`: Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs to be passed to :meth:`~colicoords.cell.Cell.l_dist` Returns ------- line : :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object. """ if not data_name: try: data_elem = list([0] # yuck except IndexError: try: data_elem = list([0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('No valid data element found') else: data_elem =[data_name] dist_kwargs = {} if dist_kwargs is None else dist_kwargs nbins = dist_kwargs.pop('nbins', config.cfg.L_DIST_NBINS) scf = self.cell_obj.length if norm_x else 1 sigma = dist_kwargs.pop('sigma', config.cfg.L_DIST_SIGMA) / scf dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} x, y = self.cell_obj.l_dist(nbins, data_name=data_name, norm_x=norm_x, r_max=r_max, storm_weight=storm_weight, method=method, sigma=sigma, **dist_kwargs) if zero: y -= y.min() if norm_y: y = y.astype(float) / y.max() x = x if norm_x else x * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = 'norm' if norm_x else '$\mu m$' yunits = 'norm' if norm_y else 'a.u.' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Intensity ({})'.format(yunits)) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax line, = ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) #????? if data_elem.dclass == 'storm': if storm_weight: ylabel = 'Total STORM intensity (photons)' else: ylabel = 'Number of localizations' else: ylabel = 'Intensity ({})'.format(yunits) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if norm_y: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) else: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) return line
[docs] def plot_phi_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, r_min=0, storm_weight=False, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the angular distribution of a given data element. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. r_max: : :obj:`float` Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If *None* the value from the cell's coordinate system will be used. r_min: : :obj:`float` Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline are included. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. method : :obj:`str`: Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs to be passed to :meth:`~colicoords.cell.Cell.phi_dist` Returns ------- lines : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with Matplotlib line artist objects. """ step = kwargs.pop('step', config.cfg.PHI_DIST_STEP) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', config.cfg.PHI_DIST_SIGMA) dist_kwargs = {} if dist_kwargs is None else dist_kwargs if not data_name: try: data_elem = list([0] # yuck except IndexError: try: data_elem = list([0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('No valid data element found') else: data_elem =[data_name] #todo dist_wkargs should lways be empty x_vals, phi_l, phi_r = self.cell_obj.phi_dist(step, data_name=data_name, r_max=r_max, r_min=r_min, storm_weight=storm_weight, sigma=sigma, method=method, **dist_kwargs) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax #????? if data_elem.dclass == 'storm': if storm_weight: ylabel = 'Total STORM intensity (photons)' else: ylabel = 'Number of localizations' else: ylabel = 'Intensity (a.u.)' ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format('degrees')) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) l = kwargs.pop('label', None) line_l, = ax.plot(x_vals, phi_l, label='Left pole') line_r, = ax.plot(x_vals, phi_r, label='Right pole') return line_l, line_r
[docs] def plot_storm(self, ax=None, data_name='', method='plot', upscale=5, alpha_cutoff=None, storm_weight=False, sigma=0.25, **kwargs): #todo make functions with table and shape and other kwargs? """ Graphically represent STORM data. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must be of data class 'storm'. method : :obj:`str` Method of visualization. Options are 'plot', 'hist', or 'gauss' just plotting points, histogram plot or gaussian kernel plot. upscale : :obj:`int` Upscale factor for the output image. Number of pixels is increased w.r.t. data.shape with a factor upscale**2 alpha_cutoff : :obj:`float` Values (normalized) below `alpha_cutoff` are transparent, where the alpha is linearly scaled between 0 and `alpha_cutoff` storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the STORM data points are weighted by their intensity. sigma : :obj:`float` or :obj:`string` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Only applies for method 'gauss'. The value is the sigma which describes the gaussian kernel. If `sigma` is a scalar, the same sigma value is used for all data points. If `sigma` is a string it is interpreted as the name of the field in the STORM array to use. Otherwise, sigma can be an array with equal length to the number of datapoints. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot() or ax.imshow(). Returns ------- artist : :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` or :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib artist object. """ #todo alpha cutoff docstirng and adjustment / testing if not data_name: storm_table = list([0] else: storm_table =[data_name] assert storm_table.dclass == 'storm' x, y = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] if xmax =[1] ymax =[0] else: xmax = int(storm_table['x'].max()) ymax = int(storm_table['y'].max()) extent = kwargs.pop('extent', [0, xmax, ymax, 0]) interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', 'nearest') try: intensities = storm_table['intensity'] if storm_weight else np.ones_like(x) except ValueError: print("Warning: The field 'intensity' was not found, all weights are set to one") intensities = np.ones_like(x) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if method == 'plot': color = kwargs.pop('color', 'r') marker = kwargs.pop('marker', '.') linestyle = kwargs.pop('linestyle', 'None') artist, = ax.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle, **kwargs) elif method == 'hist': x_bins = np.linspace(0, xmax, num=xmax * upscale, endpoint=True) y_bins = np.linspace(0, ymax, num=ymax * upscale, endpoint=True) h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=[x_bins, y_bins]) cm ='Blues') cmap = cm if not 'cmap' in kwargs else kwargs.pop('cmap') img = h.T artist = ax.imshow(img, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, extent=extent, **kwargs) elif method == 'gauss': if type(sigma) == str: sigma = storm_table[sigma] elif isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray): assert sigma.shape == x.shape elif np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = sigma*np.ones_like(x) else: raise ValueError('Invalid sigma') step = 1 / upscale xi = np.arange(step / 2, xmax, step) yi = np.arange(step / 2, ymax, step) x_coords = np.repeat(xi, len(yi)).reshape(len(xi), len(yi)).T y_coords = np.repeat(yi, len(xi)).reshape(len(yi), len(xi)) img = np.zeros_like(x_coords) pbar = tqdm if len(sigma) > 1500 else lambda i, total=None: i for _sigma, _int, _x, _y in pbar(zip(sigma, intensities, x, y), total=len(sigma)): img += _int * np.exp(-(((_x - x_coords) / _sigma) ** 2 + ((_y - y_coords) / _sigma) ** 2) / 2) img_norm = img / img.max() # < alpha_cutoff, img) alphas = np.ones(img.shape) #todo sigmoidal alpha? if alpha_cutoff: alphas[img_norm < alpha_cutoff] = img_norm[img_norm < alpha_cutoff] / alpha_cutoff cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'viridis') cmap = if type(cmap) == str else cmap normed = Normalize()(img) colors = cmap(normed) colors[..., -1] = alphas artist = ax.imshow(colors, cmap=cmap, extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Invalid plotting method') return artist
[docs] def plot_l_class(self, ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs): """ Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must have the data class 'storm'. **kwargs Optional kwargs passed to Returns ------- container : :class:`~matplotlib.container.BarContainer` Container with all the bars. """ cl = self.cell_obj.l_classify(data_name=data_name) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax container =, cl, tick_label=['Pole', 'Between', 'Middle'], **kwargs) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_ylabel('Number of spots') return container
def _plot_storm(self, ax=None, data_name='', method='plot', upscale=5, storm_weight=False, sigma=0.25, **kwargs): # temporary function """ Graphically represent STORM data. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must be of data class 'storm'. method : :obj:`str` Method of visualization. Options are 'plot', 'hist', or 'gauss' just plotting points, histogram plot or gaussian kernel plot. upscale : :obj:`int` Upscale factor for the output image. Number of pixels is increased w.r.t. data.shape with a factor upscale**2 alpha_cutoff : :obj:`float` Values (normalized) below `alpha_cutoff` are transparent, where the alpha is linearly scaled between 0 and `alpha_cutoff` storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the STORM data points are weighted by their intensity. sigma : :obj:`float` or :obj:`string` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Only applies for method 'gauss'. The value is the sigma which describes the gaussian kernel. If `sigma` is a scalar, the same sigma value is used for all data points. If `sigma` is a string it is interpreted as the name of the field in the STORM array to use. Otherwise, sigma can be an array with equal length to the number of datapoints. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.plot() or ax.imshow(). Returns ------- image """ # todo alpha cutoff docstirng and adjustment / testing if not data_name: storm_table = list([0] else: storm_table =[data_name] assert storm_table.dclass == 'storm' x, y = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] if xmax =[1] ymax =[0] else: xmax = int(storm_table['x'].max()) ymax = int(storm_table['y'].max()) try: intensities = storm_table['intensity'] if storm_weight else np.ones_like(x) except ValueError: print("Warning: The field 'intensity' was not found, all weights are set to one") intensities = np.ones_like(x) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if method == 'plot': color = kwargs.pop('color', 'r') marker = kwargs.pop('marker', '.') linestyle = kwargs.pop('linestyle', 'None') artist, = ax.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle, **kwargs) elif method == 'hist': x_bins = np.linspace(0, xmax, num=xmax * upscale, endpoint=True) y_bins = np.linspace(0, ymax, num=ymax * upscale, endpoint=True) h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=[x_bins, y_bins]) cm ='Blues') cmap = cm if not 'cmap' in kwargs else kwargs.pop('cmap') img = h.T return img elif method == 'gauss': if type(sigma) == str: sigma = storm_table[sigma] elif isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray): assert sigma.shape == x.shape elif np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = sigma * np.ones_like(x) else: raise ValueError('Invalid sigma') step = 1 / upscale xi = np.arange(step / 2, xmax, step) yi = np.arange(step / 2, ymax, step) x_coords = np.repeat(xi, len(yi)).reshape(len(xi), len(yi)).T y_coords = np.repeat(yi, len(xi)).reshape(len(yi), len(xi)) #img = np.zeros_like(x_coords) #pbar = tqdm if len(sigma) > 1500 else lambda i, total=None: i img = render_storm(x_coords, y_coords, sigma, intensities, x, y) # for _sigma, _int, _x, _y in pbar(zip(sigma, intensities, x, y), total=len(sigma)): # img += _int * np.exp(-(((_x - x_coords) / _sigma) ** 2 + ((_y - y_coords) / _sigma) ** 2) / 2) return img else: raise ValueError('Invalid plotting method')
[docs] def plot_kymograph(self, ax=None, mode='r', data_name='', time_factor=1, time_unit='frames', dist_kwargs=None, norm_y=True, aspect=1, **kwargs): """ Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element. The data element must be a 3D array (t, y, x) where the first axis is the time dimension. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. mode : :obj:`str` Axis of distribution to plot. Options are 'r', 'l' or 'a'. Currently only 'r' is implemented. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must be a 3D array time_factor : :obj:`float` Time factor per frame. time_unit : :obj:`str` Time unit. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs passed to the function getting the distribution. norm_y : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output kymograph is normalized frame-wise. aspect : :obj:`float` Aspect ratio of output kymograph image. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to ax.imshow() Returns ------- image : :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object """ # if not data_name: # try: # data_elem = list([0] # yuck # except IndexError: # try: # data_elem = list([0] # except IndexError: # raise IndexError('No valid data element found') # else: # data_elem =[data_name] # assert data_elem.ndim == 3 dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} if mode == 'r': x, arr = self.get_r_dist(data_name=data_name, **dist_kwargs) assert arr.ndim == 2 elif mode == 'l': raise NotImplementedError() x, arr = self.get_l_dist() elif mode == 'a': raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError('Invalid mode') return kymograph(x, arr, ax=ax, time_factor=time_factor, time_unit=time_unit, norm_y=norm_y, aspect=aspect, **kwargs)
[docs] def hist_l_storm(self, data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. norm_x : :obj:`bool` Normalizes the longitudinal distribution by dividing by the length of the cell. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to `ax.hist()` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list([0] assert[data_name].dclass == 'storm' storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] idx_left, idx_right, xc = self.cell_obj.coords.get_idx_xc(xp, yp) x_len = calc_lc(self.cell_obj.coords.xl, xc.flatten(), self.cell_obj.coords.coeff) if norm_x: x_len /= self.cell_obj.coords.r xunits = 'norm' else: x_len *= (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = '$\mu m$' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Longitudinal Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') return ax.hist(x_len, bins=bins, **kwargs)
[docs] def hist_r_storm(self, data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, limit_l=None, **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. norm_x : :obj:`bool` If `True` all radial distances are normalized by dividing by the radius of the individual cells. limit_l : :obj:`str` If `None`, all datapoints are taking into account. This can be limited by providing the value `full` (omit poles only), 'poles' (include only poles), or a float value which will limit the data points with around the midline where xmid - xlim < x < xmid + xlim.method : :obj:`str`, either 'gauss' or 'box' **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to `ax.hist()` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list([0] assert[data_name].dclass == 'storm' #todo why is this an empty list and thenone element is appended?? r_coords = [] storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] r = self.cell_obj.coords.calc_rc(xp, yp) if norm_x: r /= self.cell_obj.coords.r xunits = 'norm' else: r *= (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = '$\mu m$' if limit_l is not None: #todo this code appears also in cell.r_dist() if limit_l is 'full': xc = self.cell_obj.coords.calc_xc(xp, yp) b = (xc > self.cell_obj.coords.xl) * (xc < self.cell_obj.coords.xr).astype(bool) elif limit_l == 'poles': xc = self.cell_obj.coords.calc_xc(xp, yp) b = np.logical_or(xc <= self.cell_obj.coords.xl, xc >= self.cell_obj.coords.xr) else: assert 0 < limit_l < 1 # 'The value of limit_l should be between 0 and 1' mid_l = self.cell_obj.length / 2 lc = self.cell_obj.coords.calc_lc(xp, yp) limit = limit_l * self.cell_obj.length b = ((lc > mid_l - limit / 2) * (lc < mid_l + limit / 2)).astype(bool) else: b = np.ones_like(r, dtype=bool) r_coords.append(r[b]) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Radial Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') h = ax.hist(r, bins=bins, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(left=0) return h
[docs] def hist_phi_storm(self, ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to `ax.hist()` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list([0] assert[data_name].dclass == 'storm' storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] phi = self.cell_obj.coords.calc_phi(xp, yp) bools = (phi == 0.) + (phi == 180.) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Angle (degrees)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Angular Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') h = ax.hist(phi[~bools], bins=bins, **kwargs) return h
[docs] def imshow(self, img, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Call to matplotlib's imshow. Default `extent` keyword arguments is provided to assure proper overlay of pixel and carthesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- img : :obj:`str` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Image to show. It can be either a data name of the image-type data element to plot or a 2D numpy ndarray. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs: Additional kwargs passed to ax.imshow(). Returns ------- image : :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object. """ if type(img) == str: img =[img] xmax =[1] ymax =[0] extent = kwargs.pop('extent', [0, xmax, ymax, 0]) interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', 'none') try: cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', cmap_default[img.dclass] if img.dclass else 'viridis') except AttributeError: cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'viridis') ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax image = ax.imshow(img, extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return image
[docs] @staticmethod def figure(*args, **kwargs): """Calls :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`""" return plt.figure(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def show(*args, **kwargs): """Calls :meth:``"""*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def savefig(*args, **kwargs): """Calls :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`""" plt.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
def _plot_intercept_line(self, x_pos, ax=None, **kwargs): x = np.linspace(x_pos - 10, x_pos + 10, num=200) f_d = self.cell_obj.coords.p_dx(x_pos) y = (-x / f_d) + self.cell_obj.coords.p(x_pos) + (x_pos / f_d) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) return ax
[docs]class CellListPlot(object): """ Object for plotting single-cell derived data Parameters ---------- cell_list : :class:`~colicoords.cell.CellList` ``CellList`` object with ``Cell`` objects to plot. """ def __init__(self, cell_list): if not isinstance(cell_list, CellList): raise ValueError("'cell_list' must be an instance of colicoords.cell.CellList") self.cell_list = cell_list
[docs] def hist_property(self, prop='length', ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a histogram of a given geometrical property. Parameters ---------- prop : :obj:`str` Property to histogram. This can be one of 'length', radius, 'circumference', 'area', 'surface' or 'volume'. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ax.hist(). Returns ------- tuple : :obj:`tuple` Return value is a tuple with `n`, `bins`, `patches` as returned by :meth:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist`. """ if prop == 'length': values = self.cell_list.length * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) title = 'Cell length' xlabel = r'Length ($\mu m$)' elif prop == 'radius': values = self.cell_list.radius * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) title = 'Cell radius' xlabel = r'Radius ($\mu m$)' elif prop == 'circumference': values = self.cell_list.circumference * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) elif prop == 'area': values = self.cell_list.area * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000)**2 title = 'Cell area' xlabel = r'Area ($\mu m^{2}$)' elif prop == 'surface': values = self.cell_list.surface * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000)**2 title = 'Cell surface' xlabel = r'Area ($\mu m^{2}$)' elif prop == 'volume': values = self.cell_list.volume * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) ** 3 title = 'Cell volume' xlabel = r'Volume ($\mu m^{3}$)' else: raise ValueError('Invalid target') ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') h = ax.hist(values, bins=bins, **kwargs) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel('Cell count') return h
[docs] def hist_intensity(self, mask='binary', data_name='', ax=None, **kwargs): """ Histogram all cell's mean fluorescence intensity. Intensities values are calculated by calling ``Cell.get_intensity()`` Parameters ---------- mask : :obj:`str` Either 'binary' or 'coords' to specify the source of the mask used 'binary' uses the binary images as mask, 'coords' uses reconstructed binary from coordinate system. data_name : :obj:`str` The name of the image data element to get the intensity values from. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optinal Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ``ax.hist()``. Returns ------- tuple : :obj:`tuple` Return value is a tuple with `n`, `bins`, `patches` as returned by :meth:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist`. """ values = self.cell_list.get_intensity(mask=mask, data_name=data_name) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') n, bins, patches = ax.hist(values, bins=bins, **kwargs) ax.set_title('Cell mean fluorescence intensity') ax.set_xlabel('Mean fluorescence (a.u.)') ax.set_ylabel('Cell count') return n, bins, patches
#todo put r_dist call kwargs in dedicated dict?
[docs] def plot_r_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', norm_x=False, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, limit_l=None, method='gauss', band_func=np.std, **kwargs): #todo dist_kwargs, -> adjust docs """ Plots the radial distribution of a given data element. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Optional matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. norm_x: : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output distribution will be normalized along the length axis. norm_y: : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity). zero : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be zeroed. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. limit_l : :obj:`str` If `None`, all datapoints are taking into account. This can be limited by providing the value `full` (omit poles only), 'poles' (include only poles), or a float value which will limit the data points with around the midline where xmid - xlim < x < xmid + xlim.method : :obj:`str`, either 'gauss' or 'box' method : :obj:`str`, either 'gauss' or 'box' Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. band_func : :obj:`callable` Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation. **kwargs Optional kwargs passed to ax.plot(). Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object """ if norm_x: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STEP else: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_STEP stop = kwargs.pop('stop', stop) step = kwargs.pop('step', step) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', sigma) x, out_arr = self.cell_list.r_dist(stop, step, data_name=data_name, norm_x=norm_x, storm_weight=storm_weight, limit_l=limit_l, method=method, sigma=sigma) out_arr = np.nan_to_num(out_arr) if zero: mins = np.min(out_arr, axis=1) out_arr -= mins[:, np.newaxis] if norm_y: #todo test for storm / sparse maxes = np.max(out_arr, axis=1) bools = maxes != 0 n = np.sum(~bools) if n > 0: print("Warning: removed {} curves with maximum zero".format(n)) out_arr = out_arr[bools] a_max = np.max(out_arr, axis=1) out_arr = out_arr / a_max[:, np.newaxis] x = x if norm_x else x * (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = 'norm' if norm_x else '$\mu m$' yunits = 'norm' if norm_y else 'a.u.' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Intensity ({})'.format(yunits)) if norm_y: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) mean = np.nanmean(out_arr, axis=0) line, = ax.plot(x, mean, **kwargs) if band_func: width = band_func(out_arr, axis=0) ax.fill_between(x, mean + width, mean - width, alpha=0.25) ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Intensity ({})'.format(yunits)) ax.set_title('Radial Distribution') if norm_y: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) return line
def get_r_dist(self, norm_x=False, data_name='', limit_l=None, method='gauss', storm_weight=False, **kwargs): #todo wrappertje that autofills defaults? if norm_x: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_NORM_SIGMA else: stop = config.cfg.R_DIST_STOP step = config.cfg.R_DIST_STEP sigma = config.cfg.R_DIST_SIGMA stop = kwargs.pop('stop', stop) step = kwargs.pop('step', step) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', sigma) x, y = self.cell_list.r_dist(stop, step, data_name=data_name, norm_x=norm_x, storm_weight=storm_weight, limit_l=limit_l, method=method, sigma=sigma) return x, y
[docs] def plot_l_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, norm_y=False, zero=False, storm_weight=False, band_func=np.std, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the longitudinal distribution of a given data element. The data is normalized along the long axis to allow the combining of multiple cells with different lengths. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. r_max : :obj:`float` Datapoints within `r_max` from the cell midline are included. If `None` the value from the cell's coordinate system will be used. norm_y : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be normalized in the y (intensity). zero : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output data will be zeroed. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. band_func : :obj:`callable` Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation. method : :obj:`str`, either 'gauss' or 'box' Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs to be passed to :meth:`~colicoords.cell.CellList.l_dist` **kwargs Optional kwargs passed to ax.plot() Returns ------- line :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Matplotlib line artist object """ dist_kwargs = {} if dist_kwargs is None else dist_kwargs nbins = dist_kwargs.pop('nbins', config.cfg.L_DIST_NBINS) sigma = dist_kwargs.pop('sigma', config.cfg.L_DIST_SIGMA) sigma_arr = sigma / self.cell_list.length x_arr, out_arr = self.cell_list.l_dist(nbins, data_name=data_name, norm_x=True, r_max=r_max, storm_weight=storm_weight, method=method, sigma=sigma_arr, **dist_kwargs) x = x_arr[0] if zero: mins = np.min(out_arr, axis=1) out_arr -= mins[:, np.newaxis] if norm_y: maxes = np.max(out_arr, axis=1) bools = maxes != 0 n = np.sum(~bools) if n > 0: print("Warning: removed {} curves with maximum zero".format(n)) out_arr = out_arr[bools] a_max = np.max(out_arr, axis=1) out_arr = out_arr / a_max[:, np.newaxis] xunits = 'norm' yunits = 'norm' if norm_y else 'a.u.' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Intensity ({})'.format(yunits)) mean = np.nanmean(out_arr, axis=0) line, = ax.plot(x, mean, **kwargs) if band_func: width = band_func(out_arr, axis=0) ax.fill_between(x, mean + width, mean - width, alpha=0.25) ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Intensity ({})'.format(yunits)) ax.set_title('Longitudinal Distribution') if norm_y: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) else: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) return line
[docs] def plot_phi_dist(self, ax=None, data_name='', r_max=None, r_min=0, storm_weight=False, band_func=np.std, method='gauss', dist_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the angular distribution of a given data element for all cells. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to use. r_max: : :obj:`float` Datapoints within r_max from the cell midline are included. If *None* the value from the cell's coordinate system will be used. r_min: : :obj:`float` Datapoints outside of r_min from the cell midline are included. storm_weight : :obj:`bool` If `True` the datapoints of the specified STORM-type data will be weighted by their intensity. band_func : :obj:`callable` Callable to determine the fill area around the graph. Default is standard deviation. method : :obj:`str`: Method of averaging datapoints to calculate the final distribution curve. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs to be passed to :meth:`~colicoords.cell.Cell.phi_dist` Returns ------- lines : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with Matplotlib line artist objects. """ step = kwargs.pop('step', config.cfg.PHI_DIST_STEP) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', config.cfg.PHI_DIST_SIGMA) dist_kwargs = {} if dist_kwargs is None else dist_kwargs x_vals, phi_l, phi_r = self.cell_list.phi_dist(step, data_name=data_name, r_max=r_max, r_min=r_min, storm_weight=storm_weight, sigma=sigma, method=method, **dist_kwargs) if not data_name: try: data_elem = list(self.cell_list[0].data.flu_dict.values())[0] # yuck except IndexError: try: data_elem = list(self.cell_list[0].data.storm_dict.values())[0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('No valid data element found') else: data_elem = self.cell_list[0].data.data_dict[data_name] ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax #????? if data_elem.dclass == 'storm': if storm_weight: ylabel = 'Total STORM intensity (photons)' else: ylabel = 'Number of localizations' else: ylabel = 'Intensity (a.u.)' ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format('degrees')) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) l = kwargs.pop('label', None) mean = np.nanmean(phi_l, axis=0) line_l, = ax.plot(x_vals, mean, label='Left pole') if band_func: width = band_func(phi_l, axis=0) ax.fill_between(x_vals, mean + width, mean - width, alpha=0.25) mean = np.nanmean(phi_r, axis=0) line_r, = ax.plot(x_vals, mean, label='Right pole') if band_func: width = band_func(phi_r, axis=0) ax.fill_between(x_vals, mean + width, mean - width, alpha=0.25) return line_l, line_r
[docs] def plot_l_class(self, data_name='', ax=None, yerr='std', **kwargs): """ Plots a bar chart of how many foci are in a given STORM data set in classes depending on x-position. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must have the data class 'storm'. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. yerr : :obj:`str` How to calculated error bars. Can be 'std' or 'sem' for standard deviation or standard error of the mean, respectively. **kwargs Optional kwargs passed to Returns ------- container : :class:`~matplotlib.container.BarContainer` Container with all the bars. """ #todo created in all the return docstrings is not truthful cl = self.cell_list.l_classify(data_name=data_name) mean = np.mean(cl, axis=0) std = np.std(cl, axis=0) if yerr == 'std': yerr = std elif yerr == 'sem': yerr = std / np.sqrt(len(cl)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'yerr', must be either 'std' or 'sem'") ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax container =, mean, tick_label=['Pole', 'Between', 'Middle'], yerr=yerr, **kwargs) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_ylabel('Mean number of spots') return container
[docs] def plot_kymograph(self, mode='r', data_name='', ax=None, time_factor=1, time_unit='frames', dist_kwargs=None, norm_y=True, aspect=1, **kwargs): """ Plot a kymograph of a chosen axis distribution for a given data element. Each cell in the the ``CellList`` represents one point in time, where the first time point is the first cell in the list. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. mode : :obj:`str` Axis of distribution to plot. Options are 'r', 'l' or 'a'. Currently only 'r' is implemented. data_name : :obj:`str` Name of the data element to plot. Must be a 3D array time_factor : :obj:`float` Time factor per frame. time_unit : :obj:`str` Time unit. dist_kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional kwargs passed to the function getting the distribution. norm_y : :obj:`bool` If `True` the output kymograph is normalized frame-wise. aspect : :obj:`float` Aspect ratio of output kymograph image. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to ax.imshow() Returns ------- image : :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` Matplotlib image artist object """ dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} if mode == 'r': x, arr = self.get_r_dist(data_name=data_name, **dist_kwargs) assert arr.ndim == 2 elif mode == 'l': raise NotImplementedError() x, arr = self.get_l_dist() elif mode == 'a': raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError('Invalid mode') return kymograph(x, arr, ax=ax, time_factor=time_factor, time_unit=time_unit, norm_y=norm_y, aspect=aspect, **kwargs)
[docs] def hist_l_storm(self, data_name='', ax=None, **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the longitudinal distribution of localizations. All cells are normalized by rescaling the longitudinal coordinates by the lenght of the cells. Polar regions are normalized by rescaling with the mean of the length of all cells to ensure uniform scaling of polar regions. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ``ax.hist()`` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list(self.cell_list[0].data.storm_dict.keys())[0] assert self.cell_list[0].data.data_dict[data_name].dclass == 'storm' l_mean = self.cell_list.length.mean() l_coords = [] for cell_obj in self.cell_list: storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] idx_left, idx_right, xc = cell_obj.coords.get_idx_xc(xp, yp) x_len = calc_lc(cell_obj.coords.xl, xc.flatten(), cell_obj.coords.coeff) len_norm = x_len / cell_obj.length len_norm[x_len < 0] = x_len[x_len < 0] / l_mean len_norm[x_len > cell_obj.length] = ((x_len[x_len > cell_obj.length] - cell_obj.length) / l_mean) + 1 l_coords.append(len_norm) full_l = np.concatenate(l_coords) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance (norm)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Longitudinal Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') return ax.hist(full_l, bins=bins, **kwargs)
[docs] def hist_r_storm(self, data_name='', ax=None, norm_x=True, limit_l=None, **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the radial distribution of localizations. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. norm_x : :obj:`bool` If `True` all radial distances are normalized by dividing by the radius of the individual cells. limit_l : :obj:`str` If `None`, all datapoints are used. This can be limited by providing the value `full` (omit poles only), 'poles' (include only poles), or a float value between 0 and 1 which will limit the data points by longitudinal coordinate around the midpoint of the cell. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ``ax.hist()`` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list(self.cell_list[0].data.storm_dict.keys())[0] assert self.cell_list[0].data.data_dict[data_name].dclass == 'storm' r_coords = [] for cell_obj in self.cell_list: storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] r = cell_obj.coords.calc_rc(xp, yp) if norm_x: r /= cell_obj.coords.r if limit_l is not None: #todo this code appears also in cell.r_dist() if limit_l is 'full': xc = cell_obj.coords.calc_xc(xp, yp) b = (xc > cell_obj.coords.xl) * (xc < cell_obj.coords.xr).astype(bool) elif limit_l == 'poles': xc = cell_obj.coords.calc_xc(xp, yp) b = np.logical_or(xc <= cell_obj.coords.xl, xc >= cell_obj.coords.xr) else: assert 0 < limit_l < 1 # 'The value of limit_l should be between 0 and 1' mid_l = cell_obj.length / 2 lc = cell_obj.coords.calc_lc(xp, yp) limit = limit_l * cell_obj.length b = ((lc > mid_l - limit / 2) * (lc < mid_l + limit / 2)).astype(bool) else: b = np.ones_like(r, dtype=bool) r_coords.append(r[b]) full_r = np.concatenate(r_coords) if norm_x: xunits = 'norm' else: full_r *= (config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000) xunits = '$\mu m$' ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Distance ({})'.format(xunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Radial Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') h = ax.hist(full_r, bins=bins, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(0, None) return h
[docs] def hist_phi_storm(self, ax=None, data_name='', **kwargs): """ Makes a histogram of the angular distribution of localizations at the poles. Parameters ---------- data_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the STORM data element to histogram. If omitted, the first STORM element is used. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes to use for plotting. **kwargs Additional kwargs passed to ``ax.hist()`` Returns ------- n : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The values of the histogram bins as produced by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist`. bins : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The edges of the bins. patches : :obj:`list` Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram. """ if not data_name: data_name = list(self.cell_list[0].data.storm_dict.keys())[0] assert self.cell_list[0].data.data_dict[data_name].dclass == 'storm' phi_coords = [] for cell_obj in self.cell_list: storm_table =[data_name] xp, yp = storm_table['x'], storm_table['y'] phi = cell_obj.coords.calc_phi(xp, yp) bools = (phi == 0.) + (phi == 180.) phi_coords.append(phi[~bools]) full_phi = np.concatenate(phi_coords) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ax.set_xlabel('Angle (degrees)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of localizations') ax.set_title('Angular Distribution') bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 'fd') h = ax.hist(full_phi, bins=bins, **kwargs) return h
[docs] @staticmethod def show(): """Calls"""
[docs] @staticmethod def figure(): """Calls matplotlib.pyplot.figure()""" return plt.figure()
[docs] @staticmethod def savefig(*args, **kwargs): """Calls matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(*args, **kwargs)""" plt.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
def kymograph(x, arr, ax=None, time_factor=1, time_unit='frames', norm_y=True, aspect=1, **kwargs): # Mirror array to show symmetrical left and right sides # todo when implementing l_list this should be moved to plot_kymograph combined = np.concatenate((arr[:, :0:-1], arr), axis=1) if norm_y: maxes = np.max(combined, axis=1) mins = np.min(combined, axis=1) norm_y = (combined - mins[:, np.newaxis]) / (maxes - mins)[:, np.newaxis] else: norm_y = combined # mirror x array x_full = np.concatenate((-x[:0:-1], x)) # x array with datapoints equal to y axis x_new = np.linspace(np.min(x_full), np.max(x_full), num=norm_y.shape[0], endpoint=True) # interpolate values for new x array img = np.empty((norm_y.shape[0], norm_y.shape[0])) for i, row in enumerate(norm_y): img[i] = np.interp(x_new, x_full, row) # Change x units x_full *= config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE / 1000 # Change y units y_max = img.shape[0] * time_factor x_range = x_full.max() - x_full.min() aspect_c = y_max / x_range ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax image = ax.imshow(img, aspect=aspect * (1 / aspect_c), interpolation='spline16', cmap='viridis', origin='lower_left', extent=[x_full.min(), x_full.max(), 0, y_max], **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Distance ($\mu$m)') ax.set_ylabel('Time ({})'.format(time_unit)) return image def render_storm(x_coords, y_coords, sigma_local, intensities, x, y): img = np.zeros_like(x_coords) for _sigma, _int, _x, _y in zip(sigma_local, intensities, x, y): img += _int * np.exp(-(((_x - x_coords) / _sigma) ** 2 + ((_y - y_coords) / _sigma) ** 2) / 2) return img