
The config module can be used to alter and ColiCoords’ default configuration values. These are mostly default values in relation to the generation of graphs via the plot module and they do not affect coordinate transformations. These default values for plot generation can be overruled by giving explicit keyword arguments to plot functions.

Name Type Default value Units Description
IMG_PIXELSIZE float 80 Nanometers Pixel size of the acquired images.
ENDCAP_RANGE float 20.0 Pixels Default bounds for positions of cell’s poles used in bounded optimization.
R_DIST_STOP float 20.0 Pixels Upper limit for generation of radial distribution curves.
R_DIST_STEP float 0.5 Pixels Step size between datapoints for generation of radial distribution curves
R_DIST_SIGMA float 0.3 Pixels Size of the sigma parameter of gaussian used for convolution to generate radial distribution curves.
L_DIST_NBINS int 100 - Number of bins to generate the longitudinal distribution curves.
L_DIST_SIGMA float 0.5 Pixels Size of the sigma parameter of gaussian used for convolution to generate longitudinal distribution curves.
PHI_DIST_STEP float 1.0 Degrees Step size between datapoints for generation of angular distribution curves.
PHI_DIST_SIGMA float 5.0 Degrees Size of the sigma parameter of gaussian used for convolution to generate longitudinal distribution curves.
CACHE_DIR str   - Path to the chache dir directory.
DEBUG bool False - Set to True to print numpy division warnings.