Source code for colicoords.fileIO

import re
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os

from colicoords.cell import Cell, CellList
from colicoords.data_models import Data
import colicoords.config as config

    'id': int,
    'frame': int,
    'x': float,
    'y': float,
    'sigma': float,
    'intensity': float,
    'offset': float,
    'bkgstd': float,
    'chi2': float,
    'uncertainty_xy': float

#todo add colicoords' version to the files
[docs]def save(file_path, cell_obj): """ Save ``ColiCoords`` Cell objects to disk as hdf5-files. Parameters ---------- file_path : :obj:`str` Target file path. cell_obj : :class:`~colicoords.cell.Cell` or :class:`~colicoords.cell.CellList ``Cell`` or ``CellList`` object to save to disk. """ if isinstance(cell_obj, Cell): with h5py.File(file_path, 'w') as f: name = '_cell' if is None else cell_grp = f.create_group(name) _write_cell(cell_grp, cell_obj) elif isinstance(cell_obj, CellList): with h5py.File(file_path, 'w') as f: names = np.array([ for c in cell_obj]) if np.all(names == None): names = ['cell_' + str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(cell_obj))))) for i in range(len(cell_obj))] print('Cell names not defined, assigned default values') elif np.any(names == None): raise ValueError('Invalidly named cell, either all cells must have a valid name, or none to auto-assign') for name, c in zip(names, cell_obj): cell_grp = f.create_group(name) _write_cell(cell_grp, c) else: raise ValueError('Invalid type, expected CellList or CellObject, got {}'.format(type(cell_obj)))
def _write_cell(cell_grp, cell_obj): """Write a ``Cell`` object to `cell_grp`""" attr_grp = cell_grp.create_group('attributes') attr_grp.attrs.create('r', cell_obj.coords.r) attr_grp.attrs.create('xl', cell_obj.coords.xl) attr_grp.attrs.create('xr', cell_obj.coords.xr) attr_grp.attrs.create('coeff', cell_obj.coords.coeff) attr_grp.attrs.create('name', np.string_( data_grp = cell_grp.create_group('data') for k, v in grp = data_grp.create_group(k) grp.create_dataset(k, data=v) grp.attrs.create('dclass', np.string_(v.dclass)) def _load_cell(cell_grp): """Load the cell object from `cell_grp`""" data_obj = Data() data_grp = cell_grp['data'] for key in list(data_grp.keys()): grp = data_grp[key] data_arr = grp[key] dclass = grp.attrs.get('dclass').decode('UTF-8') data_obj.add_data(data_arr[:], dclass=dclass, name=key) c = Cell(data_obj, init_coords=False) attr_grp = cell_grp['attributes'] attr_dict = dict(attr_grp.attrs.items()) for a in ['r', 'xl', 'xr', 'coeff']: setattr(c.coords, a, attr_dict.get(a)) c.coords.shape = name = attr_dict.get('name').decode('UTF-8') = name if name is not 'None' else None return c
[docs]def load(file_path): """ Load ``Cell`` or ``CellList`` from disk. Parameters ---------- file_path : :obj:`str` Source file path. Returns ------- cell : :class:`~colicoords.cell.Cell` or :class:`~colicoords.cell.CellList` Loaded ``Cell`` or ``CellList`` """ with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f: cell_list = [_load_cell(f[key]) for key in f.keys()] if len(cell_list) == 1: return cell_list[0] else: return CellList(cell_list)
[docs]def load_thunderstorm(file_path, pixelsize=None): """ Load a .csv file from THUNDERSTORM output. Parameters ---------- file_path : :obj:`str` Target file path to THUNDERSTORM file. pixelsize : :obj:`float`, optional pixelsize in the THUNDERSTORM file to convert units to pixels. If not specified the default value in config is used. """ pixelsize = config.cfg.IMG_PIXELSIZE if not pixelsize else pixelsize ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if ext == '.csv': delimiter = ',' elif ext == '.xls': delimiter = '\t' else: raise ValueError('Invalid data file') with open(file_path, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() names = [re.sub("[\[].*?[\]]", '', s).replace('"', '').strip() for s in line.split(delimiter)] dtype = {'names': tuple(names), 'formats': tuple(TYPES[name] for name in names)} storm_table = np.genfromtxt(file_path, skip_header=1, dtype=dtype, delimiter=delimiter) storm_table['x'] /= pixelsize storm_table['y'] /= pixelsize storm_table['uncertainty_xy'] /= pixelsize storm_table['sigma'] /= pixelsize return storm_table
def _load_deprecated(file_path): ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if ext == '.cc': with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f: data_obj = Data() data_grp = f['data'] for key in list(data_grp.keys()): grp = data_grp[key] data_arr = grp[key] dclass = grp.attrs.get('dclass').decode('UTF-8') data_obj.add_data(data_arr, dclass=dclass, name=key) c = Cell(data_obj) attr_grp = f['attributes'] attr_dict = dict(attr_grp.attrs.items()) for a in ['r', 'xl', 'xr', 'coeff']: setattr(c.coords, a, attr_dict.get(a)) = attr_dict.get('label') return c else: raise ValueError('Invalid file type')