Processing of SMLM data

SMLM-type datasets can be processed via ColiCoords in a similar fashion as image-based data. The data flow of this type data element is exactly the same as other data classes. The input data format is a numpy structured array, where the required entires are x, y coordinates as well as a frame entry which associated the given localization with an image frame. Optionally, the structured array can be supplemented with additional information such as number of number of photons (intensity), parameters of fitted gaussian or chi-squared value.


A helper function is provided to load the .csv output from the ThunderSTORM super-resolution analysis package into a numpy structured table which can be used in ColiCoords.

The output from load_thunderstorm() is a numpy structured array with at least the fields x, y and frame. The frame entry is used for slicing a Data object in the z or t dimension; axis 0 for a 3D colicoords.data_models.Data object.

import tifffile
from colicoords import Data, data_to_cells, load_thunderstorm

storm_table = load_thunderstorm('storm_table.csv')

binary_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_binary_stack.tif')
flu_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_brightfield_stack.tif')
brightfield_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_fluorescence_stack.tif')

data = Data()
data.add_data(binary_stack, 'binary')
data.add_data(flu_stack, 'fluorescence')
data.add_data(brightfield_stack, 'brightfield')


A helper function is provided to load the HDF5 output from the 3D-DAOSTORM super-resolution analysis package into a numpy structured table which can be used in ColiCoords.

The output from load_daostorm() is a numpy structured array with the fields x, y and frame. The frame entry is used for slicing a Data object in the z or t dimension; axis 0 for a 3D colicoords.data_models.Data object.

import tifffile
from colicoords import Data, data_to_cells
from colicoords.daostormIO import load_daostorm

storm_table = load_daostorm('storm_table.hdf5')
binary = tifffile.

binary_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_binary_stack.tif')
flu_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_brightfield_stack.tif')
brightfield_stack = tifffile.imread('data/02_fluorescence_stack.tif')

data = Data()
data.add_data(binary_stack, 'binary')
data.add_data(flu_stack, 'fluorescence')
data.add_data(brightfield_stack, 'brightfield')

Other super-resolution software will be supported in the future, at the moment users should load the data themselves and parse to a numpy structured array using standard python functions.